

Income tax return for expats

To expats we offer the following specific services regarding the Dutch income tax return and related benefits:

  • We file your Dutch income tax forms and other tax related benefits.
  • We check the assessments you receive from the Dutch tax administration.
  • We will answer all questions from the tax administration.

The Dutch tax administration only corresponds in Dutch.

We will provide you with a periodic update in English or in any other agreed upon language of all correspondence and assessments from the tax administration.

In short: We will take care of all your tax matters in the Netherlands and we make sure you will receive the correct amount of income tax refund if you are entitled to it.
We also check if you are eligible for rent, healt, and child day care allowance. If so, we will apply for it.

We can file your income tax return from up to 5 years ago, even if you do not live here anymore.

Income tax return

The Dutch income tax return for expats.

Request quotation

30% ruling

If you need help and advice when applying for the 30% ruling.

Request quotation

Presupuesto Impuestos

Presupuesto impuestos.


Angebot Steuerrückzahlung

Für Personen die nur kürz (einige Monate) in die Niederlande gearbeteitet haben.



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